Pornography / Sexual Addiction
If you or someone you love is addicted to pornography or acting out in sexually inappropriate ways, we can help with our sexual addiction counseling services in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Pornography addiction can be a difficult addiction to overcome. Pornography dehumanizes, objectifies, and degrades women, men, and sometimes children for the purpose of sexual arousal. The statistics of pornography use in the US are staggering. Consider the following statistics (from
- Porn sites comprise 12% of the internet
- 90% of children ages 8-16 have viewed porn
- The largest consumers of pornography are 12-17-year-old boys
- 70% of men ages 18-34 visit a porn site in a typical month
- 25% of search engine requests are for porn
- 50% of pastors regularly look at porn
- 38% of adults say porn is morally acceptable
Pornography use is destructive and causes pain for both the individual and his or her family members. Some negative effects of pornography use are:
- Lack of intimacy in marriage
- Increased aggression and violence
- Family problems leading to separation or divorce
- Loss of conscience regarding sexual sin
- Increase in pornography use over time
If you are dealing with pornography addiction or another form of sexual addiction, you are likely experiencing the negative effects of guilt, shame, and brokenness. Perhaps you’ve never told anyone because you are too ashamed and fearful of rejection. That’s just the place Satan, our enemy, wants to keep you. As your brother and fellow Christian, Ken Blanchard is trained to help you overcome this addiction with Guardian’s sexual addiction counseling services in Lynchburg. He has helped many men achieve and maintain freedom from porn use or other forms of sexually acting out. He will give you a safe and confidential place to be honest and face the reality of your addiction. He will encourage you to fight for change – which will begin when you face your behavior honestly, learn the roots of the addiction, and begin to work believing that God and a caring, compassionate professional are on your side.